1·During periods when commodity prices were high, the rate of westward migration increased spectacularly.
2·Although change in carbon dioxide content closely follows change in temperature during periods of deglaciation, it apparently lags behind temperature during periods of cooling.
3·In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity.
4·Astronomical cycles have an effect on Earth's climate even during periods when there is no glaciation.
5·It must be very difficult for you as a banker to try to satisfy your customers during periods like this .
6·Slow, continuous change may be the norm during periods of environmental stability, while rapid evolution of new species occurs during periods of environment stress.
7·In the long run, electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is less than peak demand for electricity.
8·During periods of low demand, jockey pumps are used to meet these lower water flow requirements.
9·During periods of increased threat increase your disaster supplies to be adequate for up to two weeks.
10·They found that, during periods of high nutrient levels, genetically distinct hybrid species emerged.